After years managing your baby’s discomfort and pain while their teeth cut and push through their gums - the time comes for them to fall out. At age six or seven, your child will start experiencing loose, wiggly teeth because their permanent teeth are ready to come in. This could be an uncomfortable experience for your child and the thought might be to just pull it - but should you?
If your child is experiencing a wiggly tooth and you’re not sure whether or not to pull it, Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry has some advice.
Pulling Baby Teeth
Parents have certainly gotten creative in ways to pull loose baby teeth. We’ve evolved way past tying a string to doorknob and slamming it shut. Now parents are tying the other end of those strings to drones, cars, parrots, javelins, and rockets. While these are all innovative ways to remove a tooth, it’s important that the tooth be removed only when it’s ready and in a safe manner.
If your child is ok with their wiggly tooth and rather it be left alone - that is OK. Encourage your child to move the tooth with their own fingertips or tongue until it comes out on its own. Your child will experience less pain and bleeding.
However, if your child is uncomfortable and would like your help, start by gently touching the tooth. If it barely wiggles or if your child feels pain, the tooth is still rooted and not ready to be removed. On the other hand, if the tooth is very loose, simply use a tissue to grab the tooth and squeeze. The tooth should easily fall out and have minimal, to no bleeding.
Wiggly Teeth After Injury
If your child is experiencing wiggly teeth after a fall or face injury, you should call your child’s pediatric dentist in Charlotte. The root might not have been quite ready to lose the tooth and there may be a need for intervention from a pediatric dentist.
For more questions about wiggly baby teeth and how to best care for your child’s smile, contact Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry!